
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on marraskuu, 2023.

Valikoidaan kortti Enkeli Tarot pakasta; Ohjausta tähän päivään

  Used deck is the Angel Tarot Cards by Radleigh Valentine (and Doreen Virtue). The Reading: Five of Earth is 5 of pentacles in the traditional Tarot and if you want you can Google the card's meaning and symbolism! I won't go any deeper to it because this is an Angel reading.... so have you made some investments and they have not turned out as hoped a.k.a. you 'wasted' your money and now you are unwilling and scared to invest any further to your project or job or home... it's very frightening to be without any savings or steady income but the angels ensure you things will get better and before they do you are adviced to take a loan from your friends or/and family but not from a bank or such because it might just deepen your depth and forsen your situation! There are other ways to make money also like selling everything you no more need and by creating a go fund me in online... The guidance is to be mindful with money and when things brighten up, do a little sav...